The list below includes all the suppliers with products you can order from their catalogs. If you're looking for items produced by local farmers see the Harvest List. To find a specific product use the search loop, top right of your screen.
If you would like to order items not yet offered by the Co-Op, contact our Buyer.
Discovery Organics - B.C. Certified Organic DISC 460 km Export |
Supplier orders to Discovery are made weekly, so the time between your order and its delivery may be 2 weeks, maximum. |
Fieldstone Organics - B.C. Certified Organic FLDS 57 km Export |
Supplier orders to Fieldstone are made approximately every six weeks. |
Horizon Grocery & Wellness Facility - Some not Org. HORI 450 km Export |
Supplier orders to Horizon are made weekly, so the time between your order and its delivery may be 2 weeks, maximum. |
Jiva Organics - Some not Org. JIVA 455 km Export |
Member orders submitted prior to the 1st Thursday of each month arrive about a week afterward |
Left Coast Naturals - Some not Org. LCST 453 km Export |
Supplier orders to Left Coast are made every six weeks to 2 months. |
Pefferlaw Creek Farms - Canada Organic PEFF 3754 km Export |
A family run Ontario farm business with a rich tradition of Maple Syrup production |
Summit Specialty Foods - Some not Org. SUMM 28 km Export |
Supplier orders to Summit are made every six weeks to 2 months. |
United Natural Foods Inc. - Some not Org. UNFI 468 km Export |
Supplier orders to UNFI are made weekly, so the time between your order and its delivery may be 2 weeks, maximum. |
Wood Mountain Naturals - Some not Org. WMNT 44 km Export |
Supplier orders to Wood Mountain are made every 3-4 months. |